
by Moonbay

Welcome to Basics, the webcomic who's name comes from the fact that it's just basic ink and pencil drawings (I've not quite got the hang of computer artwork yet :S)!
you can navigate the website using the links below, but please be aware that, since this is a fairly new comic, I haven't quite got all the pages sorted yet!
If a link isn't clickable that means the page is not ready to be seen!

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The Author is a cat!2nd Feburary 2007
Moonbay's Note

You see what happens when one comic is late? The rest start to backlog!
Anyway, many many apologies for this!
I couldn't resist doing this comic after suddenly discovering about the "O RLY" Owl. In case any of you are confused about any of the net speak mentioned in the comic, here's some explanatory links:

"All Your Base Are Belong To Us"
"O RLY?"
"I See What You Did There!"

Unfortunately, I now have to make another announcement. Sunday will see the update of a guest comic by Electricfox, and after that, Basics is officially on hiatus for me to work on my latest comic idea: Felix Felidae. Hop on over to my Live Journal for more details.
However, just because I won't be drawing anymore comics for a while, doesn't mean I'm not still accepting and uploading guest comics!
Ooo, it's just occured to me... this is the first time I've drawn all four main characters in the same comic page ^-^ Updates

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